Longest Place Name in the World: Taumatawhakata...
Point of Interest
Wimbledon Road, Prangahau, North Island.
At 85 characters, this place name is one of the longest in the world.
This sign is on the Route 50 cycle touring route.
Near Porangahau in Hawke's Bay is an unassuming hill known as 'Taumata whakatangi hangakoauau o tamatea turi pukakapiki maunga horo nuku pokai whenua kitanatahu', which translates into English as 'the place where Tamatea, the man with the big knees, who slid, climbed and swallowed mountains, known as 'landeater', played his flute to his loved one.' Locals simply call it Taumata Hill.
A sign displaying the name is situated about five kilometres along Wimbledon road. It's a great photo opportunity. The actual place is on private land, so permission is required before you can walk to it.
No camping or overnight parking allowed.
Lat: -40.338771 Lng: 176.586803